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To many people, this concept is completely new, however, it has been around for decades.  Flotation Therapy is essentially a way of achieving deep relaxation by spending an hour or more lying quietly in the darkness, suspended in a warm 34.5 degrees of approx 400kg Organic Magnesium Sulphate.  The concept of Flotation Therapy is based on the theory that up to 90% of the brain's normal workload is estimated to be caused by the effects of routine environmental stimulation (gravity, temperature, touch, light, sound).  We are constantly bombarded with external stimulation as well as the incessant everyday background ‘noises’ & distractions that we may not even realise our minds are busily processing.

Floating in the tank, your senses are released from all these distractions, your body is weightless & you become a mind floating in space, enabling your body & mind to reach deep levels of relaxation/meditation that would normally take years of practice to achieve.  The tank creates an environment where you can achieve pure sensory relaxation. The weightlessness combined with the benefits of Epsom salts also creates an ideal environment for injury recovery as well as providing relief from muscular pain & tension. Freed from external stimulation, your body can achieve a state of deep relaxation that is even more beneficial than sleep.  Even when sleeping – your mind is receiving signals from those parts of the body that are touching the bed & covers, temperature on skin, sounds & gravity.  By freeing the mind from all distractions it can get back to focusing on repairing & rejuvenating your mind & body.


A Brief History









Float Therapy

The floatation tank industry has been increasing in popularity steadily since the 80s and more and more full service float centres are now available. The benefits of Float Therapy have been tested in large and small scientifically backed studies showing positive results, including reducing pain, reduced stress, better sleep, faster recovery, better memory (really!), and many more physical and mental benefits of regular floating.




We have many clients come into our centre that practice meditation and are using meditation to quiet the mind.  Some of these clients are new to the concepts of meditation and others are veterans, in either case the float tank allows them to quickly enter a meditative state.  Like a shortcut to accessing the mind, the float tank environment is the ideal place to mediate.

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