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Frequently Asked Float Questions

How long does it really take?

Generally a 1 hour float consists of a 5 min intro, 1 Min Pre Shower, 60 minute float and 5 minute wake up period and 5 minute shower and dress. Please though, for your sake please arrive 15 minutes early and hang around for 20 minutes afterwards in our retreat room. Don’t rush here or away afterwards; enjoy the glow.

Do I need to bring anything?

No, just yourself with time before and after

My ears are still salty?

Use warm salty water, but if that fails white vinegar will remove salt immediately.

My hair is ‘saltified’?

Wash it using hot water first, then shampoo and condition. If you are one of the rare cases where this doesn’t do the job, a quick rinse with White Vinegar will break the salt down before a standard shampoo and condition.

I feel too good after a float?

No cure sorry.

Everyone appears cranky but me after a float?

Give them a voucher to see us.

I don’t feel safe to drive after a float?

Some people react strongly and need to take several minutes to get their bearings. That’s why we suggest you make use of the Retreat with as much Organic Vanilla Green Tea as you wish.

Can I float too much?

Your body is light, your mind is uncluttered, the world is brighter and you are not as easily annoyed. hmmm NO!

Is it like that movie Altered States?

Not really, no drugs or hallucinogens allowed. And you are NOT underwater.

I have dyed hair, is this an issue?

It can be. Recently coloured rinses or hair dyes can run into the salt solution. This can be costly for us, ruin our tanks and of course ruin your hair. We would suggest any hair colouring within a week and you should postpone your float.


Can I drown?

No. Even if you fall completely asleep (which is common) you will continue to float on top of the water. It is actually difficult to roll over due to the high density of healing Salts which makes the water so buoyant that is it is impossible for you to sink or accidentally turn over. The sensation of effortlessly floating is difficult to describe until you experience it! Think about a cork bobbing in the ocean.


How do I know the water is clean?

We adhere to an extremely strict set of testing protocols. The water is tested every day for hygiene, specific gravity, pH balancing, sterilisation, temperatures. Our specially designed filters are capable of screening the water down to as little as 1 micron (100th the size of a hair). The entire contents of the tank is flushed inside 5 minutes ready for the next floater within 15 minutes.

The Salt Concentration alone will kill almost everything. Bromine (a chlorine substitute) does the rest.

How many rooms do you have?

We have Three Rooms each fitted with your own private Pod, Infrared Sauna & Shower!  

Is it medically proven to help me?

There are hundreds if not thousands of medical papers and documents supporting the benefits of Floating. Even without the awesome physical benefits, the mental benefits abound. Everyone gets something different out of it, physical spiritual mental.


I like to Meditate, is floating going to help with that?

People who are used to meditating are going to love floating. You will find you adapt to it within one to two floats. Those unaccustomed to spending time with their own thoughts and inner reflection will normally take three to five floats to feel completely relaxed and at ease.

Can I wear my Contacts in the tank?

We do not recommend it. Initially they can be a nuisance and therefore a distraction. Also, if you do happen to get salt in your eyes (rare but can happen) you will struggle to clear your eyes with contacts in.


Can I float while pregnant?

There is a lot of great research on floating while pregnant, and all suggests it is great for both you and the bub especially during the later stages of pregnancy when even simple things like sleeping can cause muscle strain. Of course you should seek your own medical advice. Most commonly it is recommended you stay away from hot baths. This is skin temp and therefore should be safe. Floating relieves pressure by creating a buoyant environment where you can finally escape many of the discomforts of pregnancy. A float session makes a great baby shower gift! However, in the first trimester, as with most activities, we do recommend checking with your doctor first.


I am Claustrophobic, I don’t think I can do it.

If it’s serious — floatation might not be for you. However the pod is the size of a small car. So if you OK getting in and out of a car, you will be ok. Everything is under your control. You can get in and out as you wish. We have a lot of floaters with this 'concern' and very very rarely it becomes a problem , the Pod is actually that big you are unable to touch the roof when laying down

Many people who initially express a fear of small spaces feel much better once they know they control the entire process. Their fears subside and the vast majority will go on to close the door and turn off the light!  The tank is such an excellent place to go ‘through’ claustrophobia that if you want to get rid of yours, it is probably the best place to do it.  Use the tank in the way most comfortable for you. And the first comment people say after exiting the tank is “Wow, it’s was easier than I expected!”

a) if you want to stop you can do so at anytime!
b) you control the lighting
c) you open and close the door easy as you wish
d) you CAN float with the door open
e) you are always in control of the environment


Do I have to wear Ear Plugs during a float? 

Yes/No - we supply silicone ear plugs ( these are yours to take home also )to ensure water is prevented from entering your ear, this is a personal preference. We would suggest the first couple of times you float that you wear them, and once you are used to it you can decide for yourself.

Can I eat before I float?

Normally food is not recommended unless you want to hear your digestive juices inside the tank. Similarly you shouldn’t be starving or you could have the same issue.

Should I drink before I float? 

Definitely no caffeine, and preferably no alcohol or energy drinks. Ideally some water is recommended as Floating can dehydrate you a little.

Can I float if I’m menstruating?

It is not recommended.


What if I fall asleep? 

No problem. At the end the session the music and light will come on and wake you peacefully. And if you are a really deep sleep the water will start circulating 2 mins after the end of the session. So you can focus of letting go. It may be what your body needs! Don’t just think of your session as the time here. It is how you feel after. How you sleep. How you feel the morning after.

Is there free WiFi in the tank? 

Floatation is not for you…

Do you have parking for my car? 

There is several off street car parks in front of the centre. And lots of free street parking out the front.


Are there any negative side-effects? 

Some first-time floaters can emerge from the tank feeling slightly nauseous, which is usually a result of built-up stress leaving the body. Because of it’s non-invasive and weightless nature, floating is one of the safest activities you can enjoy. Most people feel like laying around for at least a few minutes afterwards.

What is the difference between floatation therapy, isolation tanks, sensory deprivation and flotation? 

Nothing, different names for the same thing. None of the names really communicate the experience except perhaps REST – reduced environmental stimulation therapy.


Does it work for everyone? 

No. Floatation is not for everyone. It’s not ‘normal’. But if it connects with you the results are amazing. It is unique experience and the only way to know is to try it. Like anything it is only a tool, a practiced way to achieve a goal. The closest analogy is that of meditation. Floatation doesn’t change you, it helps you understand yourself better.


Is there an age restriction?

No - but if your are under age you must be supervised by an adult , many children do use float with the parent staying in the room 


Is there anyone who shouldn’t float?


Ok, here is the legal disclaimer bit: To float you must;

a) Read, understand and agree to our terms and conditions

b) Read and understood all the FAQs

c) Be able to climb in and out of the tank unaided (this is no more difficult than climbing into a bath)

d) Not under the influence of drugs, alcohol or illegal substances.

You must not use the floatation tank if you:

a) Suffer from incontinence, nausea, epilepsy or psychotic attacks.

b) Have a history of regular ear infections.

c) Have been medically advised not to float.

d) Are injured, have open or bleeding wounds.

e) Have an acute skin condition.

f) Wear a pacemaker or have a serious heart condition.

Might I be bored or frightened?

Anyone who floats regularly will tell you how blissfully comfortable and deeply relaxed they feel whilst floating. You’re as close as you’re ever likely to be to an experience of weightlessness; and, surprisingly, there is no feeling of being confined in a tight space.


Will I have enough air?

Yes, of course. The air inside is warm and it rises by convection. There is a vent at the top for the air to leave and fresh air enters near the water line.


What if I can’t swim?

That’s OK. Floating is as easy as taking a bath. You just step in, sit down, and lay back. You can touch the bottom with your hands. There is no skill required, you just let the salty water do the work – you’ll actually float like a cork and it doesn’t matter what shape or size you are.


Can I accidentally turn over in the water?

No. The water is very shallow and is much heavier than ordinary water because of the salt. You float on your back with absolutely no effort and there is no tendency to roll over. People often sleep in float tanks and there is no risk of rolling over even if you are asleep.


Is it true that floating cures jet lag?

Yes. Research shows that floating is much more effective than bed-rest.


Will I get cold, like staying too long in a bath?

No, the tank is heated all the time. The temperature of the water feels warm when you get in, but in fact it is at normal skin temperature, and this is exactly right for floating for a long time. The correct temperature is important for feeling comfortable and relaxed for an hour or so.

What effects does floating have on the body?

In the gravity free environment the body balances and heals internally as all the senses are rested. Research shows that floating measurably reduces blood pressure whilst lowering the levels of stress related chemicals in the body. Old injuries and aches, (especially backache) experience relief as floating helps reduce signals from the brain. Floating is used widely in the treatment of stress, anxiety, jet lag and to improve concentration and creativity. Sports performance and ‘wind down’ is also enhanced during floating.


What effects does floating have on the mind?

During a float you produce slower brain-wave patterns, known as alpha and theta waves, (normally experienced only during deep meditation or just before falling asleep). This is usually accompanied by vivid imagery, very clear, creative thoughts, sudden insights and inspirations, or feelings of profound peace and joy, induced by the release of endorphins, the body’s natural opiates. Because of these effects floating is used effectively in the treatment of depression and addictions, including smoking and alcohol. It is also used in schools and universities as a tool for Super Learning.


How long till I am good at floating?

You may need to float a few times before you are able to relax completely, both physically and mentally. Depending on your own journey through life, a float might provide an hour of total physical relaxation – or a profound healing experience, emotionally and spiritually transforming….. Floating can be a wonderful aid to opening doors into your inner world, gradually allowing access to those deeper levels at which real changes take place.


Is it private?

Floating is a very private experience. The flotation tank is housed in an area with its own adjoining bathroom facilities. You shower before entering the tank and then again after your float to remove the salt solution. Most people don’t wear anything when they float – just think of the tank as a big bathtub – though you can wear a swimsuit if you prefer.


Will my skin wrinkle?

No. In a bath, water enters the skin and makes it turgid (osmosis). In a float session, water leaves the skin (reverse osmosis) and leaves your skin soft and silky because of the Epsom salts.

What is Epsom Salts and why is it used?


Epsom Salt is Magnesium Sulphate. It is found naturally in many spa waters. It is very different from sea salt or table salt which is mainly Sodium Chloride. Epsom Salts has been used for centuries to treat skin complaints and assists the body in detoxification. It is non toxic, although it has an unpleasant salty taste. We use it for two main reasons. Firstly it raises the density making it much easier to float. Secondly it softens your skin.

Is there a best time to use the tank?

No. This is a matter of individual preference. Some people prefer morning, some prefer night. The best way to find out what’s best for you is to experiment by using the tank at different times of the day.

Is there a cumulative effect of using the tank on a regular basis?

Yes. There is a cumulative effect with consistent use of the tank. Floating uses sensory isolation as an induction to the “relaxation response” which equates with meditation.  Simply be floating, you train this response and become skilled at accessing it.

Is this sensory deprivation?

The term “sensory deprivation” describes areas of scientific research that consider the effects of reduced environmental stimulation. The words are an unfortunate choice for those of us who are presenting the floating experience as something pleasant, attractive and relaxing.  As a result we are careful to point out that the senses are fully operational and in fact, the senses are very pleased to be relieved from the prevalent atmosphere of sensory overload. Stimulus reduction or sensory isolation is an accurate description of the tank environment.

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